You need this game!

Whether you’re drinking with friends or spending quality time with family, Racivity™ is the game for you!



The Race-Baiter reads a scenario card, and the players decide if it’s Racist or Not Racist. The Race-Baiter selects the “winner” of each round. 


Classic Game


Step 1. Each player draws four ‘Not Racist’ Cards and four ‘Racist’ Cards.



Step 2. A player is selected as the Race-Baiter for each round and reads the question on a scenario (Black) card out loud.



Step 3. Players answer by selecting ‘Not Racist’ or a ‘Racist’ while choosing the best statement on the card to answer the question, and then places the card face down sliding it to the Race-Baiter. Do not pick a new card until the round is done.


NOTE: There are no right or wrong answers when choosing the statement, it is entirely up to the player’s discretion. Choose the card you feel is best…humor is good for the soul. The Race-Baiter cannot answer with their own card (the card they read).


Step 4. The Race-Baiter shuffles all the answers and then reads each card with the group. For a better experience, the Race-Baiter should re-read the Black card before reading each answer.




Step 5. The Race-Baiter picks their favorite answer and the player whose answer aligned with the Race-Baiter keeps the Black card and wins the round.



Step 6. The person with the most Black cards wins. Perfect to play with family during the holidays! 




Majority Wins


Step 1. Grab a piece of scratch paper, a pen or pencil, and write every player’s name down.



Step 2. Each player draws one solid Green (Not Racist) and one solid Red (Racist) card and will keep cards the duration of the game.



Step 3. A player is selected as the Race-Baiter for each round and reads the question on a scenario (Black) card out loud.

Step 4. Players answer by choosing the Green (Not Racist) or Red (Racist) card, and then placing the card face down (color side down) in front of them (do not slide card to Race-Baiter).




Step 5. After all players have placed cards face down, Race-Baiter goes around one-by-one to each player and guesses if the player answered Racist or Not Racist, and then the player reveals the card by flipping card over.

Alternative: Everyone flips card over at the same time.


Step 6. After all answers are revealed, Race-Baiter totals the number of Not Racist answers and Racist Answers. Everyone in the majority gets a point and the first player(s) to ten wins.

If a round ends in a tie, the players can debate and deliberate to see if anyone can be influenced to change their mind to break the tie (it’s fun to see who can be convinced). If no one changes their mind, the Race-Baiter has the final vote for the tie breaker!

It is possible for multiple players get to ten at the same time. You can play until you feel like stopping, why stop at ten?!